如何低門檻的進入再生醫療診所的經營 | 低門檻進入再生醫療 | 自體免疫細胞檢測

How to create a low threshold for accessing regenerative medicine clinics in business

Do you want?
1、Do you want to break free from the constraints of traditional medicine?
2、What are the bottlenecks encountered when opening a clinic under the national health insurance system?
3、Interested in learning about new medical technologies such as cell therapy, but lack hands-on experience?
4、Limited scope within one's own field of study, unable to fully leverage one's potential
5、Interested in developing the overseas regenerative medicine market in the future
6、Adding a regenerative medicine project to the current academic curriculum to increase income
7、Transforming existing clinics into regenerative medicine clinics
8、Just left the hospital system and want to start a clinic, interested in getting involved with regenerative medicine
9、How can I change if my current hospital or clinic projects are not doing well enough?
10、How to reduce our procurement costs

Neogenesis-biotech provide

@Medical Technology Transfer
@Funding and Equipment
@Cellular Testing Program
@Cellular peripheral products
@Introducing Taiwanese and foreign clients
@Joint marketing and resource sharing among chain clinics
